Getting Started

As you prepare to apply to FIU, this step-by-step guide will help you through the admissions process and provide information about our support programs and services.

Earn College Credit for Past Experiences

Whether you're starting a degree, transferring from another institution or returning to school after a long time, FIU offers several programs that award academic credit for past knowledge and expertise acquired through life and professional experience.

Explore accelerated degree options

See all degrees and programs

Paying for School

FIU is dedicated to keeping higher education accessible to all. That’s why our financial aid office awards more than $180 million in financial aid each year.

Estimate your costs and apply for aid

Browse scholarships

Connect with a Bridge Advisor

Make your transition to college as smooth as possible. A Bridge Advisor can help you understand how transfer credits apply to different majors, maximize acceleration options and navigate the application and onboarding process.

Meet with a Bridge Advisor

Sign up for an information session

Visit FIU

Start your Application

Get your application started. Depending on the program, additional documents or secondary applications are needed to complete the university application.
