Prior Learning Assessment

Whether you are just starting a degree or transferring from another institution, FIU has several programs that allow adult learners to earn credit for prior education.

Prior Learning Assessment allows adult learners to earn academic credit towards a degree program for prior knowledge and expertise when the skills are equivalent to college-level learning.

Students seeking a degree in select majors can submit evidence of prior learning through a portfolio that includes reflective writing and supporting documentation for academic credit.

Credit is not awarded for the experience itself but rather for the knowledge acquired from the experience.

Options to Earn College Credit

Credit for Prior Learning is FIU’s process for awarding academic credit for college-level knowledge and skills acquired through traditional and non-traditional learning experiences.

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Unlock the potential of your past experiences and fast-track your college journey. Take the first steps of your FIU journey now and convert the knowledge you've already gained into valuable college credits.

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